A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A small game about life on a giant catfish which flies through the sky.

You have a camera, a flute, a computer, and a couple of friends.

Your mom has gone away, and you are alone in a paradise.

The Wide Open Sky is Running out of Catfish

feedback form: https://forms.gle/8Lfs6QCfnA7m5Cso7

discord: https://discord.gg/d9b9GUVf


Catfish Alpha v1.13 - Mac.zip 91 MB
Catfish Alpha v1.131 - Windows.zip 82 MB

Install instructions


  1. Download File
  2. Extract Zip Folder (Right Click  on file -> Extract All -> Extract)
  3. Run "The Wide Open Sky is Running out of Catfish"
  4. You might be prompted by a security warning, click "More Info" and then "Run Anyway"


[Mac builds are having some resolution scaling issues and will not let the game open the folder containing in-game photos. You may also see some big UI every now and then. The game works best when toggling fullscreen in the settings menu.]

  1. Download File
  2. Double Click on downloaded zip file
  3. To get around the Apple security system, hold "control" and double click the mac file (this step may need to be repeated if you don’t initially see an “open” option in the warning pop-up).
  4. Click "Open"

Development log

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